Lil nas x gay lyrics

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For instance, when he appeared on HBO's ' The Shop: Unscripted' last September, he revealed that he decided to come out when he was at the peak of his popularity because he didn't want to be accused of seeking attention. Since then, the rapper has been vocals about his sexuality in interviews. Nas came out as gay during Pride Month last year, pointing to the lyrics of 'c7osure' as confirmation of his sexuality. Troye Sivan was also among the people who replied to his post, simply saying, 'Welcome back.' 'have you passed your gay test to get your license back? i can help,' someone said, as one other poked fun at him, 'Took you 13 minutes.'

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You can't help but love him and his sense of humor.' Another person commented, 'Lol I love that he can just be himself.' Some others, in the meantime, joked along with him. Many found his joke funny, with one saying, 'LMAOOO.

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